Tuesday, July 08, 2008

3 to go

I'm almost done. I only have a bit more work to do. One test, one project paper, one 8-page report, three book reports, and one 10-week journal to complete. Sounds rough, but I can do it. In fact, I'm just limbering up my "writer's mind" so I can start doing two of them today.

A position came open at the school I work at according to the schol system website, but the principal swears it was a mistake and that was an old posting. To be honest, sometimes I really don't know why I'm fighting so hard for a job that doesn't really want me, doesn't pay well, and I'll have to take more classes out-of-pocket to make it happen. It just seem like they expect an awful damn lot for so little in return. Granted, after about 5-10 years, you make more than you can going to another field, but really? Summers off and no holidays make it a tasty possibility. Money isn't everything, but if you don't have it, nothing else will come about.

So here I sit, weighing trade-offs and wondering what might come of it all.

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