Wednesday, April 05, 2006

so little time/ cash so much to do......

I must admit, before I leave Best Buy for good, I want to put a new stereo in my car. The darn thing will never look good, but in the next two years driving back & forth to college, I'd like something nice to listen to while on the road.

I complied a list of what I nee to make the car good for my needs. They are:

1. Stereo & speakers
2. Air conditioning
3. Carpet
4. New gear select cable
5. Mufflers

All in all, about $350 - $600 to make it plush. It will still be ugly, but comfy to drive. It's a darn shame I can't salvage the body. It could be pimped out nicely. Not that I pimp out cars, but it could.......

If the car hold up well, When I get a newer car, I plan to put the drivetrain in my ranger that may never move again on it's own. It confuses me to no end how this truck could be made to run down the road by my tinkering and after one day, I cannot duplicate the results. Harmon wants the big bucks involved in doing an engine swap, which would probably run well past $1,000 before I "clean it up". I'm starting to consider just getting a good pickup when I finish school.

Last night I hit a milestone in my workout. I did squats. My knees have been shot for 10 years and since I pretty much gave up on workouts because due to injury, I couldn't do my two exercises: squats & deadlifts. Twelve years ago, my routine was five days of cardio workouts and two wieght training days. I either jogged, bicycled, or jumpped rope. On lifting days, I did bicep curls, squats, dead lifts and ab crunches. It worked for awhile, I was pretty skinny. Even when I was getting chubby, it wasn't jack compared to what I am now.

I'm feeling my body change now. My muscles remember what isolation exercises feel like. I'm starting to be able to work the groups of muscles I need to for each exercise properly. I feel sore where I know I should feel sore. When I lifted last night, I felt the muscles burn when they were supposed to.

I started upping the protein too. After much study on good supplements, I came to a conclusion: I'm not ready for the powders, mixes, and power bars. I'm going another route. I drank milk. An 8-ounce cup of milk has 8 grams of protein. After I started cooling down, I drank a 16-ounce glass and had a snack. Before I went to bed, I had another glass of milk. The proteins in milk are supposed to be slower acting proteins that your body absorbs over a longer stretch of time, several hours. I'll try this for awhile and see if it makes a difference.

I was told the human body can put on 1 pound of muscle a week. Hell, I'll take half a pound right now. But If I could build a pund a week, I'll be losing 3-5lbs of fat every week too. If I can make that a goal, I'll be on target to me looking right come my birthday. By the start of the next school year, I should be in the best shape of my life.

I want, just once in my life, to go up to someone, flex, and say "Put down the dictionary, I've got the definition right here." or "Somebody grab the sewing kit 'cause I'm ripped" and it actually be true. Now I'm more like a malprop.

Monday, April 03, 2006

cash struggle

I'm trying to intentionally go skimpy this month so I can afford a few things from Best Buy before I quit. Namely, I want a stereo for my car, After that, I'm done with them.

I got my cat Friday, her name is Trinity. She a black domestic short hair and very personalble. She was very shy when she was first left with me, but quickly warmed up. She likes to sleep in the bed too. Whoever owned her last fed her people food, she's all over me when I'm eating.

It looks as though I'm going to the beach next weekend. I'm looking forward to a few days off. In a couple of years. I'll be able to go more places, take real vacations with Robyn.

I gave away my lazyboy recliner to Paul. He needs it more than I do and I have too much furniture as it is already. Now don't get me wrong. I like it, I just have no place to put it. I won't lose the leather recliner, which is a close second favorite. It only won because it matches what I already have. There is so much more to get rid of too. Sometimes, your posessions own you. They control your life.

It's getting to yard work season again. I'm going for broke this year. I'm going to get it all staightened out. Everything must go.