Wednesday, November 25, 2009

feed or famine

Usually, any type of construction work is feast or famine. At the level I'm paid, it's squeak by or don't. Rain and holidays have made for some miserable conditions.

I've come to realize I really don't mind truck driving as much as I thought I would, but I'd be a fool to not want more for myself. I will grant it has made me lose some weight, which helps with my fitness.

I've come to realize how much going to the chiropractor was helping me. It's a damn shame I no longer have insurance.

Last week, we had three cats. Today we have one. Old age/ sickness got one and a car got the other. This was a very hard thing to deal with.

I have a lot of opportunities coming up, too damn bad they are all in the 6 month to a year range.