Thursday, December 28, 2006

day dreaming

As I am pretty broke, I can't do everything I'd like. I realized when I got my surplus tution check that an extra $800 one time isn't verry much, but as a regular part of my cash flow, it would be awesome. Spent wisely, it would take no time at all to straighen out my affairs and make forward progress. I dream about the things I can do when I finish school. Cookouts, motorcycles, vacations, new cars, nice clothes.....a family. Normal stuff is kinda nice when you haven't had it forever.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Yep, times has changed me. I've made a lot of major changes recently that I'm pretty happy with. By the time all is said and done with, I'm not too sure I'll even recognize myself. Priorities are different and such. I've accomplished a few goals....a few I have been lax on. I'm going ahead and making a few resolutions for the new year to help remedy that.

1. Fitness. Although I have been lifting regularly, I have not achieved the goals I had hoped for and I plan on changing that. I'm upping my exercise and will attempt to be in prime shape by June.

2. I'll finish the work on the Ranger by Summer and have another car in decent running shape too.

3. I'll keep the course in school and prepare to be finished in May '08

4. Speaking of school, I'll stay on top of my studies and not allow myself to get behind. I could have possibly had A's instead of B's had I not allowed myself to get behind.

5. I'm going to keep myself, my home, and my vehicles up as well as I can. Going back to the "hot damn" instead of "god damn" as the desired response when others see me or my property.

Big things that take small steps and yield major results.