Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Chapter 2 update

The next part of my saga has been hard to want to write. I think that's because it deals with a lot of failure and me not knowing where to go from there.

I'm thinking I really want to get into writing again, so I'm going to try to do daily updates to stretch out my mind. I'll break it up into bits of relevance and try not to flail and ramble aimlessly.

Yesterday, I started my serious 10 - week workout. 3 times a week. Goal? Be able to run 3 miles, be able to do 50 + push ups and sit ups. Losing weight is not a goal at this point, fitness is.

Why now? I am going to do a tryout for a local police department. At 35 years old, I'm in steep competition. I have guys 10 years younger, former and current athletes, former military, and people who have previously taken police training. Current and former officers are going to get the nod before me. I know this. I have a college education that screams "I love Law Enforcement". I have work ethic most 20-somethings won't have. I look like the guy who's going in for his last career. If I can train now to get the above the level of fitness they want to see, I'm going in with a fighting chance.