Saturday, May 10, 2008


This is a test to see if using this asus eee would irritate me to death typing on it. I'll have to see. I might could do this.

Paul bought the base model one and is letting me give it a whirl. So far so good. A bit tiny though... I feel like I'm typing on a toy. The barbie pc... LET'S ORDER SHOES ONLINE!!!

I kinda like this. Built in wireless, fairly useful tool. Might just get me one.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

all but the crying...

I passed all my required classes. My course work for my major is complete. I did about what I expected. On my best day I'm a "B" student and I gave "A" effort on two very hard classes at the same time, so I squeaked out with a "C" on both. I'll have 3 VERY easy classes to make up my GPA, so it's all good.

I'm grateful to all the people who helped me along the way. Offered me support, encouragement, and understanding through this crucial turning point my life. I am a different person than when I started.

I've started putting out feelers for a new job. As much as I love the people and the kids at my school, I don't think I can stay anymore.

The only question is: "What next?"

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

tonight, tonight.....

My last "big exam" is tonight. I should be panicked, but I am calm. I think I am entering "the zone"where it feels like everything is coming at me in slow motion. I feel a heightened state of awareness. My whole life's plans are dependent on the results of this last exam. I feel like I am the eye of the hurricane, the calm center of an unstoppable force of nature. Nothing is in my way that won't be cast aside.

And now, the last hurdle before the finish line...

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

the writing on the wall

When someone tells you to "read the writing on the wall", it typically spells impending doom. It comes from the Bible where a king ransacked a Jewish temple and used the gold and silver objects in very non-spiritual ways.

I mentioned that I wasn't too sure I was wanted at my job to a respected coworker and he said I was a very perceptive person and I should take care of myself regardless of loyalty.

I say to Hell with all of them. I'm going for the money and what ever is best for me. I need to stop thinking about the team. I'm a free agent and it's damn time I started acting that way.

Monday, May 05, 2008

The gauntlet

2 exams down, 1 left. I passed one, hence I passed Cell Bio. I'm pretty sure I did quite well in tonight's lab exam for A&P2. Now for the last one. I cool my brain tonight a study like a demon for the two days.

July 25th...