Saturday, April 15, 2006

NC inspection license

As part of my new job as a Sunday grease monkey, I have to become a certified vehicle inspector. It was great way to clog up my evenings during my spring break. Not too shabby however, it was very amusing the first two nights and quick the last two. After seeing it first hand, I now feel it's all a sham. But ripoffs are great if you're the one on the take.

Yeah, yeah, it's good to make sure a car is not a death trap, but being a death trap afficianado, I think rattletraps are getting a bad rap.

Anyway, the stuff is super easy, it's all computerized. The stuff you need to look for is in a reference book under the computer. On the visual inspection, you upsell everything you can. Fuses, light bulbs, oil changes, fresh air in the tires.....

I've worked in a few convenience stores in my day, but never an actual service station. I think it will be ok. I think I can benefit there much better than I did at Best Buy.

Spring break? From what?!?!?!?1?!?

This whole past week has been my "break". Break from work? I love my job. At school, I'm important, needed, respected, and somewhat feared. I want a break from reality. The one where I'm a broke-ass that can't seem to get it together. The one where I drive a basket case of a car, and can't seem to get a break at all. This week I get a full dose of it.

College is 2k a semester. Don't know which ass I'm going to pull that out of, certainly not my own. I looked for loose change last week....nothing. I am, however, accepted ,registered and I even have my first schedule. I feel like I'm trying to climb a house of cards. One mistep will send me and everything I've worked for tumbling down.

During our spring break, Paul and I have taken a rest from lifting. We're going to start back with a more advanced routine. I've felt a difference and Robyn says she's starting to notice the difference. My gut is still huge in the way you think of gods as being big. I guess I'll have to take what I can get for now.

On our last workout I told Paul I was considereing shaving my head since I'm so bald anyway. He said you might as well, you're pretty much there now. I guess he's right. I keep my hair, what's left it, very short. I'm waiting until after June 7th (last day of school) to do it.

Robyn rented a car to visit a friend of hers. A new Ford Explorer. Now as much as I would prefer have another vehicle, it ain't too bad. It is possible that my idea of a nice car has been skewed. An intact windshield, a/c, and a stereo puts it into Bently status for me.

The seven week stretch before summer vacation starts this next Tuesday. Oh, the joy begins.