Friday, March 03, 2006

serious exercise

Paul has shown an interest to start exercising with me. I got in the best shape of my life at 19 with Paul's help. Maybe we can re-capure the lightning 12 year later. I cleaned out a room for working out, then I needed to clean my equipment.

I have a Weider home gym, one of the cheap ones that I paid $200 for in 1993. It has been rusting on my back porch since I moved to my current home in 1998. I dragged it into the room, disassembled it, and used a wire brush attachment on a power drill and knocked off a good chunk of rust an the paint that had flaked up. I then cleaned and sprayed the brushed areas with rustoleum. Then I put it back together.

I ingested a good bit of rusty dust and spay fumes while doing this, and my chest is a bit congested today and my mucus is black. I ache from the efforts. Moving that stuff around is a real workout. Next week we'll be moving some of his equipment to my house, that will be a real workout too.

Robyn suggested that I get a new home gym instead of messing with that old rusty one. I agree that the seems like a good idea, IF I keep this up. If I do not follow through, then it will have been a waste of money. Why not fix what I have and go at it? If I keep it up, reward myself with better equipment. If we started right now, early March, I could be trim and fit by the start of school this fall. I'm going to get Robyn to take a before picture of me and I'll print it up to keep me motivated.

Harmon is actually working on my car, but he's taking his sweet time. He says he could be finished today. I hope so. I need wheels this weekend more now than ever. i'm not going to do much more than keep it road worthy. Only one of the poewr windows work, I think I'll fix those and put in a stereo. If I can afford a better car a little bit down the road, I'll transplant that powertrain into my ranger.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Am I shady?

Robyn has commented in the past that I'm a very shady person. I do things most people would not do. I enjoy things that wouldn't normally be enjoyed by a "nice" person. I think of laws as guidlines more than actual limits to behavior. We talked about some of the shady things I've done as an adult. I wonder sometimes if I'm evil. There are several degrees of good, why not several degrees of evil? Here goes:

1. My car insurance expired last August.
2. I stopped driving it in February.
3. I pick up furniture out of people's yards.
4. I took a ladder from a buisiness once.
5. My day job is punishing kids. I like it more than I probably should.
6. I kept a convienience store job for years just because I liked to screw with the customers.
7. I can be very selfish.
8. When I have a person I dislike, I pull no punches making them miserable.
9.If I get road rage, I relax myself by imagining slowly torturing the person that cut me off.
10. I'm not sure I feel emotions the same way others do. I think my ability to empathize is not very well developed.
11. There are a lot of things I would do, but I don't want to go to jail.
12. I file share.
13. I've pretty much broken all of the 10 commandments and had fun with it too. I have not killed anyone that I know of....

I've noticed older people can get away with more too. I got stopped in February for having expired tags and no insurance. I played dumb and he let me go. I thought for sure I was going to get arrested. I was also stopped at a license in December with no insurance and revoked tags. They never even checked.

Maybe it doesn't make me evil, but I'm not exactly a boy scout either. I think I weigh consequences vs. results, morales aside, if the outome is better than the consequences of the risk, I do it.

Monday, February 27, 2006

disgusting proof

  • Thismakes me sick.

  • "Record executives have hesitated in the past to embrace digital singles because they feared that consumers will cherry-pick songs instead of buying the whole album." <--- just one snipette that just angered me. They wonder why so many people are stealing music. You're not paying $15+ for an album. You're paying $15+ for one, maybe two songs that are decent and the rest is filler. They want you to buy the garbage.

    I need an editor.

    I think that some of my material is great, but a bit rough. I need some polish to make my rate gems shine. I need an editor, or at least patience enough to proof read and run spell check.


    I guess it's time to realize your wit is wasted when no one notices your Latin tag.

    thanks Nate

    I watched the video clip on my friend Nathan's site about the scientific seach for immortality. I found it depressing. There are so many questions that go unanswered for this.

    If you can find a way to live forever:

    1. Would you want to?
    The first knee jerk response is yes. But what if you get bored, everyone around you dies, you're lonley, ect? The human condition is centered around the concept of a finite lifespan. Altering that alters us as humans.

    2. What about overpopulation? If people stop dying, we got some problems. Earth can't fit all of us unless we stop breeding.

    3. What does it speak of religon? If we really don't "have" to die, then what? Was God wrong? Was He ever even there?

    The people were mostly atheists. They were spouting ideas I have only thought and kept to myself. The thought of nothing after death saddens me. Coming to the realization I won't get to talk to my long dead grandmother again, or go to whatever afterlife is like having grief all over again. It makes you question everything.

    One of the scientists put it nicely. In a nutshell, he said just don't know what's out there and we have no reason to believe we know until it happens to us. If you die and there's nothing, you don't find out, you're just gone. He stated that he just didn't care to take that risk. Not that he had any choice, but he backs the research to prolong life indefinitly. He even supports cryogenic suspension "just in case" he doesn't get to that breakthrough during his natural lifespan.

    I have made it very clear that I'm more agnostic, but I'm leaning toward atheism. I want to believe, but I can't bring myself to believe. I'm far too cynical.

    Either way, it was an interesting clip and worth a watch, despite my feelings on the subject matter in general.

    I guess I would try it, but I wouldn't want to spend forever alone. If everybody was doing

    Hey, I haven't seen you in 800 years! Drop by tomorrow, we have some catching up to do.

    You know, law enforcement would be different. You've been found guilty of __________, your sentence is you lose your immortality. You get put on an island where you can't get whatever mojo you need to keep you young. Then you grow old and die. To live in a society where you never had to die, then be brought to terms with your own mortality that would be a horrific thing to grasp.

    Nasty synergy

    I've been working seven days for three weeks and I'm burning out. Best Buy is not a hard job, and I've come to enjoy it at least a bit. I still don't want to work there.

    Robyn has been picking me up at night. Sometimes we go eat afterward. Last night we went to Shake & Steak. A guy came in as we were getting out food that cleared out half the restraunt. He was smoking a cigar.

    Cigars do not offend me as much as cigarettes do, but still not what you want stinking up the whole place while you are trying to eat. He had a very creepy mannarism to him also that I can't quite put my finger on, it was like all of his actions were memorized an rehearsed, but acted with no feeling or sense of purpose.He was disheveled, dirty, and unshaven, his teeth were the color of mottled storm clouds and he smiled alot, they looked as though they were carved from mashed potatoes. As if they were just firm enough to hold their shape. His double chin was like a pot belly, round and overlapping. He drank a chocolate milk and puffed his cigar between sips and I could only imagine how nast that combination must be mixing in his unhealthy gullet. He could make Jabba the Hutt look svelt and dapper. I felt dirty just being in the same building with him. I mean dirty. I wanted to.....

    1. Brush my teeth.
    2. Shower.
    3. Blow my nose.
    4. Wipe my ass.
    5. Wash my hands.
    6. Eat a salad.
    7. Change clothes.
    8. Exersice.

    I wanted to do whatever was needed to not be like that. The sickest part, was there was nothing "over the top" gross about the guy it was just a really good combination of small stuff. Nasty synergy - where the total output of grossness as a combined package is far great than the nastiness of the individual parts. He had nasty synergy. I want to put a poster of is repulsive ass on the inside of my front door, so that I am motivated to diet, exercise, acheive, and practice good hygene.

    Jim has told me that we may be gaming again soon. An old familiar gamer may be joining us. Dave, the guy who ran the first two D&D games I played in with Jim is interested in joining up. We'll see. Working two jobs and finding a common free time could be tricky.

    If I can wrangle a free day, then it'll all be good. The ideal time would be Staurday nights. Robyn's working, all my "normal" friends have off as well. Only I don't have Saturdays off...... The only sure day for me is Tuesday of Wedensday even so, I'm not sure I want to play every week.

    My car is close to being finished, meaning Harmon called me to tell me that he was putting my car in his shop and will be working on it this week. We'll see.....