Friday, May 19, 2006

the corner has been rounded

At some point yesterday, I realized my job is not as great as I thought. Then I realized I can only work in the capacity that I've been given, which is very limited. Now my attitude is much better. I realize now that attempting to be anything other than a discipline figure is pointless. These kids only respond when you're mean to them.


What do you want most in this world?

How much are you willing to give up to achieve this goal?

How bad do you really want it? Is it worth the sacrifice?

You can learn alot about yourself by how determined you are to accomplish your goals.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

what career?

For the second time in two weeks, I really regret working as an ISS coordinator. I'm grateful for my job and I'm loyal to my boss, but why even care when your job is barely an afterthought. Discipline is barely considered at this school. It is very possible that if given the choice, they'd disband the program. It is however paid for by central office, so I guess it doesn't hurt to get the funds. I want to be the best I can be, but I feel like I have not been given the resources to be successful. The only thing I can do to continue this line of work is to detatch myself emotionally from the job and plod through the motions until I finish my B.S.