Wednesday, August 23, 2006

my brain hurts

I've officially gone to all my classes as of today. I now realize how much of a sacrifice I must make to get this degree. Two years of writing papers, spending my spare time wracking my brains out over notes and books that are about as exciting as snail porn.

First was "History of Rock and Roll". The teacher was an editor for Rolling Stones magazine, and had some integral role in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. Easy survey class from what I can tell.

Second was "Intro to Criminal Justice". Harder class, a bit more writing intensive, but the teacher is an animated Jamaican woman and I can gather the class will be interesting.

Third was "General Botany". This is going to be the rough one. People left his earlier class looking like they had their asses handed to them. A vacant, yet defeated look in each ones eyes. A true roadblock professor.

I drove home tonight wondering exactly what had I done to myself and what am I going to do. The answer was simple. I've made an investment in my future at the sacrifice of the present and I'll do what must be done to pass and get my degree so that I can afford a decent quality of life.

In two years, when one more framed diploma is on my wall, and I am able to fulfill a few dreams and keep a few long due promises, I'll hope what I'm doing right now will be appreciated.