Sunday, April 19, 2009

I have a second bathroom!

Ok, I have a second toilet. All good. I have the money to put in my central air. I've decided to go on a craigslist selling frenzy. I've realized holding on to garbage is pointless.

Obama said it was time for change. I want to change my old bullshit into cash so I can get stuff I want.

I have been sponsored for the BLET in August, so I have 3 months to get into good enough shape to survive it. If I make it, I'll be in the best physical condition of my life and I'll have more job opportunities than ever. Which is funny, seeing as how I'm in a career. I guess it feels better to have options.

The Goldwing has left the building

I sold my bike yesterday. I don't need or want it anymore at this point. The money will go to put central air in my house and fund the wedding. I hope there will be a little left over to do a few more things...