Friday, April 15, 2005


Last year I went on the Atkins diet and lost 30 pounds. I quit due to lifestyle changes that made keeping up a strict diet hard. Now I have found 25 of those 30 and I feel like crap. When I get back into my house I'm re-dedicating my self to my health. I'm going to set up time to exercise, and get back off all this crap I've been eating. I want to be one of those guys that just seemed to stop aging in his 30's. I want to be as healty as a 30 year old when 50 is long gone. And if I start now, I'll be there.

I was told I should come up with a book of my quotes at work today. I can't remember what I said.....wait , I do. It was geared toward the middle school slacker.
"Fashion, music, and friends come and go; stupid is forever."

The end of the school year is almost here. The kids are restless, the teachers nerves are frayed, and discipline problems are shooting up. This means I'm a busy man. HA! I'm never that busy. I have my proposal for next year's ISS room ready. More seats, less comfort, more isolation, fewer repeat offenders (hope). I want my room to run like an automation. I can step out for a moment and all will be OK. I'm glad I have the job, but summer will be a bitch. No decent cash for 2 months!

I hate I always seem tired by the time I get to write, at least it's cheaper than booze to get me sleepy.

Thursday, April 14, 2005


I appologize if the last post was not very cohesive. I made a promise to myself to commit some daily attention to posting. I like to write, and I feel it is a shame to let this ability go to waste. But posting at 1:00 am when I need to be up by 7:00 will tend to make me ramble aimlessly. I hope you got the point of the last post and I might just cut back to posting on days when I can spend waking hours doing it.

church, faith, and the modern age

I was listening to a liberal radio program on my way home tonight and heard half of a rant between a gay man and an old preacher. The preacher was calling the gay man a fag, and how he was condemned to hell for being unrepentant of his sins.

The above statement is why I do not practice formal religion.

When last I delved into the Christian faith, I was under the impression that the whole faith revolved around accepting people for what they are, being non-judgemental, and unconditional love.
Beloved, let us LOVE one another
for love is of God,
and everyone that loveth is born of God,
and knoweth God
He that loveth not,
knoweth not God for God is LOVE.

Direct quote from JohnI, about the only thing I remember from going to a private school. We put it to music and sung it almost every day. But you know, the church that put that as point #1 is the kind of church I could go to.

But that wasn't the only thing that bothered me; before I make my next point, let me clarify this, I don't like homosexuality. That being said; I do not hate, or look down on homosexuals. I do think some of the problem is that everyone needs to keep bedroom issues in the bedroom and not in the street. I do not make it public what my sexual preferences are. I just find it way too tacky for general conversation. The old saying for public displays of affection was "get a room". It applies today. If you are getting off and I'm shopping with my 12 year old sister, what makes you think I want to see two people all over each other like dogs in heat? Save it for when you get home. The sexual tension of having to wait, having to control yourself, makes it so much sweeter when you get behind bedroom doors.
But you know, if you really want to save the church, you really need to try to keep the kooks from getting all the good publicity.

Monday, April 11, 2005

my mechanic

I trust few people as is and I have NEVER trusted a mechanic untill now. I met Harmon through a very trusted friend who considers this guy very trustworthy. Had it been anyone other than Jim, I would have probably turned this guy down. He looks downright scary. He has a huge beergut, wears the same overalls daily and I'm not too terribly sure which pile of detrallis on his property he actually sleeps on but I send him work. More Robyn's cars than my own, but he gets the job done, and cheaply at that. I think he is one of those guys that just seems like he was made to suffer because bad luck hit him harder than it hits me. But he has always kept his word, showed all kinds of integrity that one rarely sees in people these days. If you can get past the fact that he's constantly drunk, fairly crazy and looks like someone you'd see in a horror movie, you grow to like him quickly. I have spent hours out at his shop talking to him and it never feels like you have been there as long. He's an amusing story teller and people tend to draw to him due to the strength of his character, and his dirt cheap auto repair prices. Either way, as long as he is able, I will continue to send him business and wish him the best.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Bison, the other, other red meat

My ex works at a restraunt that serves bison. Bison is an interesting meat to say the least. Moist, tender, and juicy; bison is truely tasty(and pricey). One tyhing is it's so damn filling and stays with you. I ate 5 hours ago and I'm still stuffed!I bought candy on the trip up and I ain't thinking about it. Maybe I should look into bison product when I go low-carb again. I did Atkins last summer and lost 30 pounds in as many months. I loved it. Bacon & eggs for breakfast, a salad for lunch (just a piece of grilled meat) and chicken with a salad for dinner. I never cared too much for bread and pasta anyway. My diet weakness is my sweettooth. Sugar is a major vice of mine. I was able to give up so much, but not sweets. I will tell you, after I was in month 2 of the diet, I got to where I could splurge and have a sweet treat. A frozen cappucino and an espresso brownie from the local book store would about get me high! I was all light-headed and mello- feeling. Moderation is a good thing. Gluttony will be the death of many.