Saturday, August 06, 2005


I did another new employee/store opening training meeting today for best buy. It was from 8-5. I think there are human rights policies against such things. We were made to cheer as if in a pep rally and constantly being made to participate in some "game" or chant and being saturated with best buy propaganda. It was seemingly endless. There were refreshments offered, but given the level of intensity of their "training" and team building exercises, I decided to only drink from sealed soda cans that I myself opened.

All joking aside, it doesn't seem too awful bad yet. I can imagine when we actually get in there, it will be Hell. Burlington doesn't have anything else like it, everyone will come in and gawk at all the shit they don't need.

I was reminded of last year when my house & truck burned down within months of each other. I realized what I could live without and what was most important to me. I'll be working in a place that sells things to make life "fun and easy". They intend on selling you things that will beep and flash at you and keep you occupied until the next better gizmo comes along.

There are quite a few things I would like, but the only thing I'm really into is computers, and they just about sell them at discount.

I no longer even miss TV, I might like some choice stereo equipment for my vehicles. We'll see what happens.

Speaking of vehicles, I bought another '85 ford ranger for next to nothing today. It fired rigtht up, but seemed to only need a few choice parts to complete. I've already bought them, and may have it road ready in a week or so. I need a pickup so badly....

My school project, aka the new ISS room is coming along quite well. I'll be finished with the basic construction in a few days of good effort. It is going to be great. I can't wait to actually have decent resources at my disposal. I'll try to post some pics of the finished product.

Wow. So much to do & so little time.....

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Best Buy N.E.T. experience

I went to the four hour new employee training meeting today. It was very interesting (sarcasm). I think I like the ideals BB tries to foster, we'll see if they actually come about in practice and application.

All the people seemed down to earth, decent folks. They tend to want personable people in the stores. I have learned to mimics that trait well. Most people who know me know I'm not really a people person, but I can be kind and friendly when needed.

The management was a pretty lively bunch, the manager of my area seemed the most laid back, so it could be a very good thing. I've noticed that most higher corporate management types look so washed out, like they put almost every ounce of heart and soul into "the company" and leave so little for themselves. Corporate zombies....sounds like a B-movie. But they made choices they look happy with, and most likely it's just something I don't get.

their was some sort of executive there that was almost comical he looked so fake. Orange dye tan, hair replacement & dye job. He seemed a nice enough guy, but just looked so phoney, ah.....Corporate America. We were led off in a pep-rally style cheer. Obviously, moving boxes all day is something to look forward to.

Five years ago, I would have rolled my eyes and probably walked out. I've never been a "believe the hype" type of person and my sour experience with Papa John's cemented this paradigms for me. Now I see it as a stepping stone. Hell, I just might like it. When the you-know-what hits the fan and that door swings open for the first time, we'll see how much of that spirit stays in tact.

I 've always known I can deal with whatever comes my way. I see their rigid corporate standards as a good thing, rigidity is rigid both ways; do the job, show up on time, and keep your mouth shut and nothing bad happens. If I don't like it, there are four other stores in that plaza I could go to.

I found out tonight they stay open until 9 mon-thurs, 10 fri-sat, and 8 on sunday. Not shabby hours, not like I'll be there all night. Hell, retail might even give me new things to write about.

The big surprise is we all work THIS Sat & Sun, and then it's a seven days a week jobsite. Kinda puts the kie-boash on my two week notice for Domino's, I didn't realize pizza would come to such an unceremonious end.... life without pizza.....

Very soon I just might write some of my pizza anecdotes on here. I've had almost ten years doing it, quite a few things happened in my day.

In a few short years, I hope to look back on all of it and know it was just means to an end. And then I can rest, at least work in a way that means more that base survival.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Comic Strip

My new hobby is going to be writing comics. My art is not so great, but I think I have some good ideas. You never know, I could do it and sombody could actually want to pay me for the honor. I've done about 10 one-pannel comics in rough form and I might start putting them online. The only thing I can do is stuff based on my life and all the siclkly ironic thing that have happened to me.

School will be starting about the same time I start best buy, It'll be life without pizza from there on out. It's such a big step that it makes me nervous. I've done the math over and over and it seems as though I'll make more money. Mosty since I'll work more hours, and the other because I won't be burning out so much gas or tearing up my cars.

If things work well, come tax time I'm going to try to get a better car. So far, I've lost 10 pounds on my diet. So far so good. I've been making a genuine effort to clear off the back porch so I'll have a workout area. Being active will be the ultimate catalyst for me not being a lard ass anymore.

Today I call GC to set up an appointment to talk to a counsellor about the college return.

2004 was the phoenix year. Everything had burst into flames around me. 2005 is the year I reinvent myself and start the slow process of becoming who I want to be.