Friday, February 24, 2006


At 15.5k a year, I make too much money for financial aid. I guess the 13 and change after taxes is more than enough to live on and to better yourself. I like to break it down. S here it goes....

15,000 <-- what I made.

13,500 <-- after taxes

- 10800 <--- annual living expenses that include: rent & utlilites ONLY.


2700 <--- is my annual superflous cash...too bad I have not ate, nor bought clothes, nor put gas in a car.

4200 <--- is $30 a week in gas and a reasonable food allowance for a year.

- 1500 <--- the annual deficit from my day job vs. my living expenses (which are not extravigant) hence my part time job.

So, although I cannot afford many things in life, I must put myself into debt in order to have a better quality of life.

You know, if I were not a white male, I might be eligible for aid under my circumstances. I won't spend too much time sulking, or assigning blame.I want to find a way through this and succeed.