Friday, May 12, 2006

continuing racial tensions

Robyn has two bi-racial kids. I like them and there is no problem there. My problem is with the way they seem to be treated. I'm personally sick of race related nonsense. I've been called racist by every subgroup in the book. To all thoses people : 1975 called, they want their tired-ass race card back. The sad part is we want to end racism, but all these racist groups still exist.

Robyn's oldest daughter is at risk for failing, yet on awards day, some nonsense group want to award her for minority achievement. Congradulations, little girl, you're the blackest kid in class! Expecting something due to the color of your skin is wrong, especially if you have earned nothing. That being said, I'd love to see both of her kids achieve great things and I'll do whatever I can to help, but I don't want them lulled into a false sense of accomplishment.

Do these sad little groups even aknowledge the fact that they ecourage segragation? Do they take the time to consider what these false awards do to people?

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