Wednesday, January 04, 2006

a master of misery

I realized in the second year of being an ISS (in-school suspension) coordinator, I'm just now hitting my stride. I've learned quite abit about what works and what does not. Now let it be said, I am concerned for the welfare of my kids. I do, however try to make the experience here miserable. If they hate what I do to them, perhaps I can get them to not want to come back.

I have come to discover I have taken jobs that will allow me in some way allow me to be cruel to someone else. My job at the convience store, when I worked it was an inconvenience store. Other employees visited on my shifts to see what kind of crap I pulled. Since I took the shifts that nobody wanted, it was easy to keep my job.

I also worked at a buffet restraunt. I provided the food, and little else. I was the guy who stood in the window and asked if you wanted ham or roast beef. I was a very good meat carver. People would mess with you, so I messed right back. I got reprimanded quite a few times, but I still managed to keep a job because I was the person who carved efficiently an saved them $100 + a night in food cost, worked every night that nobody else wanted, I was meticulous to detail when I cleaned and there were never any "surprises" the next day after my shift.

My longest work was in pizza. I delivered and managed, there was alot of horrible things I did in an 8 year span in moments of anger that I shall plead the 5th at this time.

Then we have Best Buy. Actually, I do everything that is expected of me, but one person hates me. I don't quit because he dislikes me so. I'll quit as soon as I give him a bleeding ulcer. Actually, I'll quit way before that point, I just need to find something more my speed that pays better. Until then, I gain comfort in the fact it crawls all over his nerves to know we have to work together.

I'm sure there must be a compromise somewhere that I can get what I need money-wise and be able to go to school full time to finish my degree.

I question was asked of me. If I'm so hell bent on going to school for forensic biology as my four year degree, why still aim to teach? It was a good question that I have yet to find an answer for. I like working in a school. My pay is rotten, but I just love being here. Even after all is said and done with, this is an awesome job, I feel important, and every once in awhile, I think I reach a few of these kids. In the mean time, I make them miserable.

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