Sunday, August 07, 2005

more best buy goodness

Well, today we actually worked. We started to prepare the store to take merchandise by setting up racks and moving boxes. It was very refreshing, I was ready to quit from all the BS cheering. A lot of the older employees were sick of it too. You can't force team spirit in Burlington, NC.

I need to be in another department. If all they asked me to do all day was to move heavy stuff, I'd be ok. I'd rather be selling computers or upgrading them. Not too sure I want to be on the geek squad, I have an ounce or two of dignity left. However, I am easily bought, so....

In my area, even the management won't do the cheers when nobody's looking. In fact, they roll their eyes. I like working with realistic people. The GM seems to be all about that crap. If I were getting paid 90k annually + benefits, I'd do all sorts of nonsense and love the Hell out of it. I'd make a fool of myself for half that. To be honest, I made a fool of myself for 9 years delivering pizza for about 15% of that.....

On the ISS front, I'll most likely finish my basic room prep this week. I'll have a whole other week to fine tune and prepare and I'm usually dead the first few weeks anyway, so I'll have more time than I actually need to finish.

I feel guilty, but I have yet to make an appointment with a recruiter for college. I know it is a major goal, but I'm limited in my resources right now anyway. Other than taking one class, I don't see how I could cope with everything. I WILL call tomorrow.

I'll have my new (to me) pickup diagnosed tomorrow also. I'll find out what I need to get it to full capacity, then when I get a good chunk of school & best buy money in, I'll fix'er up....nice stereo, new seats, carpet, restore the AC, then a nice little paint job, and maybe one of those spray-on bedliners. That would be sweet.

School is my first goal, must not lose focus.........

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