Saturday, October 07, 2006

ranger dairy update

Ah bitter disappointment. It appears my truck has a bad head gasket and more work must be done to get her a-runnin'. A setback, but I have most all the parts to replace if needed, but damn, I wanted to be done and driving it.

Monday, October 02, 2006

rabbit food

As part of my ongoing health/fitness issue, I've added a new step this month.... salad. *shudder*

For the entire month of October, I will eat a salad for lunch nearly everyday while at school. I don't really care for salad, but I need green, leafy vegetables. A few less fat calories during the day won't hurt either. Vegetables, raw no less, is just so unsatisfying for meals. I like grease and fat. I like meat. I like eating hot foods.

Since officially starting a gym, I've dropped 10 lbs. I've not felt this good in a awhile. I've lost upward of 30 dieting, but it was always unsatisfying and unmaintainable. I'm changing my lifestyle one bad habit at a time. I'll admit, I'd like to see some results in my waistline, but one thing at a time.

ranger diary update

I actually was able to drive my long-dormant truck. To hear it fire up for the first time was very exciting. It still needs tweeking and tuning, and it especially need some driving as we are quite sure it has old gas in the tank. There will be a can of dry gas and a tank of premium in the very near future, as well as an oil change and some oil treatment.

Paul has a theory, if you were to put at least half a car payment in your car fixing it up every month, within a year you damn near have a new car. A hudred a month in an 85 ford ranger will make it a new vehicle very quickly. If I can keep it running for a bit and looking good, it might become the V8 ranger I've wanted for a few years. We'll see.