Friday, August 12, 2005

feeling good.....

I have to be at BB shortly so I doubt this will be very long. I've been working my ass off at School and Best Buy. I think I enjoy stocking. My back and neck were starting to give me lingering problems. I knew I needed to keep up the pace and today, after working through nagging pains, I feel pretty damn good. This is encouraging me to actually do my workout room. I've just been so busy the past few weeks and it doesn't look like it's letting up.

I talked to the recruiters at Guilford College Monday, I've sent off for my financial information since I lost the originals in the fire. I'll be talking to someone real soon about going back full time. I will make it happen.

I have a lot of dreams for myself. Where I want to be in 5 years, how I want to live, ect. Dreams are great, they give you hope. Hope is a very powerful thing. You can lay on you back and dream all day. To make my dreams come true, I'll need a lot of sweat, tears, and sacrifice to get there.

I don't do many thing just for me. This is my thing and I don't think it too much to want.

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