Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Hidden talent

I've been making my own partitions for my ISS room this next school year. It has come to my attention that I had nay-sayers doubting I could do it all along. One fellow said he thought it looked way better than he imagined and it would look like a professional had built them if I had molding to go around it. I only received 10 plywood sheets, 12 2x4's, and 3 lbs of 8-penny (2 1/2") nails. I think I'm damn resourceful given my constraints.

It makes me sad to realize that I have alot of talents that are extremely handy, but not really marketable. I need to work on that.

A short list of things I have done for free that most people pay others to do.

1. Re-shingle a roof
2. Build cubicle partitions
3. Built a computer
4. Repaired numerous computers
5. Collected on past due bills for an independant contractor
6. Re-upholstered cars
7. Repaied countless cars (mostly minor repairs, some extensive)
8. Hauled dry goods
9. Cooked
10. Cleaned
11. Lawn care
12. Tutored
13. Babysat (or is it babysitted?)
14. Fixed furniture.
15. Re-wired a house for phone lines.
16. Swapped out all the power recepticles and light fixtures in a house
17. Repaired a cable tv line.
18. Contribute regularly to a blog.....mine

I now see that living off paychecks is going to be an awkward transition. Living off of tips and paying bills with my checks was the standard MO. Now, I must buget & ration my cash. Not difficult, just a different way of living. It will be better in the long run just by the sheer stability of the income.

I am ashamed to say I didn't call a college today. I woke up feeling horrible, and by the time I nursed myself into functionability, I was running late on my "to do" list. I'll try again tomorrow.

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