Thursday, February 22, 2007


The stress response in human can mimick a variety of illnesses, and cause many problems. Even though it is a mental response, the side effects are quite real. The past few days, I've had shortness of breath, dizziness, headaches, and such. Most of these are symptoms of a real illness. I went to a doctor, he told me I was healthy.....after nearly $200 worth of tests plus drugs, he told me it's anxiety. I'm having anxiety attacks. Why? Too much stress. Too many jobs, too many classes, not enough relax time. I also have slight allergies....but anyway.

What to do? After the sleeping pill, and allergy pill, I awoke today totally refreshed.

I'm probably going to have to make some minor changes soon to aid in my overall health. I just need to figure out what I can be rid of easily.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

10 effing hours.....

Not that I mind making money, but boy, I wish I didn't need it this bad.

Going back to school has several residual side-effects:

1. Always studying, so you get out of the loop for awhile.

2. Relationships are usually strained since you have no time. Strangely enough for me, this is not the least not where it counts.

3. If you live alone (like me), your house will become a wreck. This is especially true for me, since I was never any good keeping house in the first place.

4. Your health can be effected. The stress of exams combined with eating anything you can grab makes for an unhealthy lifestyle.

5. Everything you want to do gets put on hold. You better be reading those books!!!

I must admit, I damn near bit off more than I can chew, but I'm in the process of regrouping and going at it ALL full force. If I don't, May '08 could be Dec '08, and that would put me way off schedule.