Friday, April 28, 2006


A co-worker at school asked me if I had been losing wieght today. I'm so happy. I think the milk and sensible breakfast is making a huge difference.

I checked out a private gym out in the country that is way nicer than I could have imagined. I mean fully equipped. If Paul and I exceed the home gym's capacity, it will be my first choice.

I might just up my cardio to expidite my fat loss. I can wait for huge arms, I want the belly gone yesterday!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

calories & math

I've learned the calorie formula recently. For men, body wieght x 10 - 15 = caloric intake. The 10 - 15 varies for physical exertion (how much you exercise).

example: me 250 x 13 (I workout 3 times a week, fairly intense) = 3250 calories/ day that is a lot to choke down, but when you consider that one of my favorite thing food-wise is to eat an 8 piece box of Bojangles fried chicken with two buiscuits and that can hit 3k easy. Hell, the two piece box with fries, buscuit, and sweet tea can run 1600. But oh God, it's sooooo good.

Anyway, I have to consume 3,250 calories daily to keep a wieght of 250 lbs. So if I have an ideal wieght, say 200 lbs. I must consume no more than (200 x 13 = )2600 calories a day. Eating normally (out) can make that difficult. The best idea is to workout more and increase you metabolic rate say 200 x 15 = 3000. Let's just say I just exercise more, 3250 / 15 = 216. An athletic 216 lbs is nothing to sneeze at. I think I'd like to eventually be around 180. To reach this goal, I'll need to take in between 2160 - 2700 depending on the intensity of my activity.

Monday, April 24, 2006

3 day split

Paul and I are in our first week of the three day split workout. We have now started our 6th week of working out. Whereas I cannot see any difference in my body, I can feel a difference in my overall condition. My stamina is increasing, my strength is returning, I sleep like a baby, and I have a greater desire to accomplish stuff. I really wanted to improve my health, and I have been. Now I'd like to see some of these improvments. I guess I have to get my body fat down.

I have a pretty good beakfast routine, I eat oatmeal, have a multivitamin, and drink a glass of milk with a scoop of whey protien in it. I need to work on lunch as I have no routine for it, I should probably plan for some salad. I drink a lot of water, 64 - 100+ oz. daily. If I don't eat out with Robyn, I usually just do either chicken or pork chops with plain rice. On workout nights, I do extra protien supplement before bed. I hope I'm growing muscle while I sleep.

I'm pretty sure I'm well on my way to looking and feeling the way I've always wanted. Even two days after my last workout, I'm still muscle sore. The weight is a concern too, I'm gaining. I guess I should diet I'm up to 248, but I feel very good. I guess it will come. If a man if 250 out of shape, it's ugly. If he's 250 of I really don't think I can be 250 fit, but I'll see what's up in 6 months.