Thursday, May 26, 2005

My crappy job.

I work part time in the evenings at a Domino's Pizza. Overall, I hate the job. The job itself is Hell on a car, the manager is a bipolar/ junkie with serious personal issues. Last night was my turn in the barrel, so to speak, and I almost quit. I don't like being yelled at, being called a liar, or threatened. I was ready to walk and by the time I came back and decided to leave and she had changed her tone. I was still steaming mad.

I learned early on to very careful what I say and do, because once it's out there you can't take it back. She makes a regular habit of making a complete ass of herself and I'm not too sure that if this Domino's thing ever ends for her she may have a fall that she will never recover from. She's not a decent person or a good manager.

That was a week ago.

She's still an ass, but now school is over. I'm sitting in an empty classroom. This is a very pleasant place to be when there's no kids around.
I have three days to clean up and head out. During this time, I must get my plans for ISS done for next year. I wish this job paid more, but I'm so happy here. I feel like I belong for the first time in a very long time.

The past three days have been pure Hell outside of school. My folks had me help them set posts for a fence, I had to work, I've had little sleep, and I have yet to do anything more to my house. I have new furniture and can't stay at home long enough to enjoy it. I just finished Robyn's brakes, they were in awful shape, but they got finished. Almost every muscle in my body aches, and I have not benefitted at all for this pain. I have got to get into shape.

It's a true shame when you don't feel like you belong in your personal life and you feel like you belong in your professional life. I come to work for my escape. This classroom is my retreat. This where I'm important. This is where I belong. And now, no school for 3 months.........

Wednesday, May 25, 2005


There is a free online game I like to play called gunbound. Gunbound is a shooting game that employs factors such as wind speed/direction, trajectories, ect.. There are a choice of several vehicles or "mobiles" that you can chose to play with each with strengths and weaknesses. Each mobile effect others differently. I hadn't played in months, yesterday I started playing again. I had just about as much fun as I remember it being. If you get with a good team, you could easily waste hours playing. When you win, you earn gold. You can trade earned gold for costumes your character can wear. The costume can modify your abilities. I played so long ago, nobody remembers where my character items come from. Kinda freaks people out when I enter a game and they don't recognize my stuff.

Since I won't be getting cable anytime soon, I'll read, write, listen to radio, and play video games for entertainment. I could afford it, but why bother? I wouldn't watch much even if I had it. I don't think I should be paying to watch commercials. Why not make cable free? Pay for premium channels, commercial free. I even think the internet should be free. All those ads you heve to watchout where you click. I shop online, pay bills online, maybe the advertisers should be footing the bill. If the companys realize the closer their product is to our fingertips, the quicker we consume.

Have you ever stopped and looked around us? At yourself? Fat, lethargic, red-faced people on the verge of organ failure speeding down the road, blabbering into a cellphone while shoveling greasy, fatty food down thier throats. Too preoccupied to notice or show any regard to the people around them. Go online and talk to a person in Ireland or Canada for hours, but can't remember the last time you spoke to your nieghbor.
What's your favorite poem?
When was the last time you made a homemade gift for someone?
When was the last time you sat down to a home cooked meal with your family?
When was the last time you stopped talking and started listening?
When was the last time you felt alive?
When was the last time you looked outside, and saw everyone scrambling like rats and it made you realize how stupid life can be if you take all the BS too seriously?

Have you stopped to think about the price you really pay for the thing you work toward?

Tuesday, May 24, 2005


Yesterday after I made it home, I felt bad. I took a four hour nap and still felt rotten. It kinda scared me. It was a headache and weakness with nothing else seemingly wrong. Robyn rushed over as soon as she heard from me. I kinda liked the attention. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love living alone and being self-sufficient, but it does get lonely at times.

Nathan called me yesterday and is offering to send me an unnamed movie I'd like to own. I'll give you a dvd of something I own, just name it.

I have my mess pretty much under wraps. There is very little left to do and it's mostly just toss out and detail cleaning. I'm going to put an ad in for my more "high dollar" surplus before I do my yard sale. I might be able to get some new living room furniture out of it. I'd love new furniture at this point. My folks came down for lunch and were impressed with what I'd done with the place. My house looks nicer than theirs now. I'm not sure how I feel about that.

It's the last week of school, I think I did quite well considering my resources. Next year I'll have more available to me and my room will be better suited to the task. All the rowdy kids are on early vacation, and the sheep that follow them are falling into place. I think it will be a smooth, quiet sail to the finish.

I've been running my kung-fu type game for two sessions, next week will be three. I like it and the players really seem to be into it as well, but I'm ready to get back into playing my sorcerer. I'll celebrate by incinerating an enemy. I got burned out playing Draco early on. I didn't like that he was so under-powered compared to my other characters to date. Draco has really come into his own the past couple of levels and became quite formidible. Still not my favorite character. I'd say Klegg, the half orc fighter, and Daxt, the jedi I played in a SW campaign still beat him out. I think Klegg will always be my favorite. Strong, fast, angry. he didn't think too much about it, he just pulled out his great sword and swung as hard as he could and if he was connecting, he was doing the damage. He was the one everyone ran from or to. I like Klegg and I'd love to pick him up again one day. I doubt daxt will ever see the day he's brought back into action, shame too. I thought he was the ideal Jedi, high dexterity and weilded two lightsabers in combat. His fighting style was like ballet. I try to imagine how a character fights, then I mold thier personality around that.

I guess I'll not be getting too old to play any time soon. The geek lives in all of us.