Monday, January 22, 2007

The A&W burger joint

I love the root beer. You mean they actually have a whole restraunt based after my beloved soft drink? I came upon the website while procrastinating here: . I see they are not too popular here, as there are only 4 in all of NC. Looking at the website, I can see why. I'm not too sure what the "curd it" incentive is, but I'm sure I wouldn't be into it. Also, all the people are ugly, they look like they eat burgers and they are on some type of antidepressant medication. Just browse through a few of the pages. If I saw any of these hopped-up, loony-bin escapees, I'd leave. Maybe they could find a niche by sending their website models over to McDonald's and scaring the the normal people to A&W. I'd kinda like to visit just to try a root beer float, but it just isn't worth the risk.

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