Friday, April 15, 2005


Last year I went on the Atkins diet and lost 30 pounds. I quit due to lifestyle changes that made keeping up a strict diet hard. Now I have found 25 of those 30 and I feel like crap. When I get back into my house I'm re-dedicating my self to my health. I'm going to set up time to exercise, and get back off all this crap I've been eating. I want to be one of those guys that just seemed to stop aging in his 30's. I want to be as healty as a 30 year old when 50 is long gone. And if I start now, I'll be there.

I was told I should come up with a book of my quotes at work today. I can't remember what I said.....wait , I do. It was geared toward the middle school slacker.
"Fashion, music, and friends come and go; stupid is forever."

The end of the school year is almost here. The kids are restless, the teachers nerves are frayed, and discipline problems are shooting up. This means I'm a busy man. HA! I'm never that busy. I have my proposal for next year's ISS room ready. More seats, less comfort, more isolation, fewer repeat offenders (hope). I want my room to run like an automation. I can step out for a moment and all will be OK. I'm glad I have the job, but summer will be a bitch. No decent cash for 2 months!

I hate I always seem tired by the time I get to write, at least it's cheaper than booze to get me sleepy.

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