Friday, May 04, 2007

painful setback

I flubbed one of my classes. A flub is not as bad as a flunk or a fail, but I still have to retake it. Luckily, I had planned one mess-up in my plans so it doesn't put me off track, but I can't have any more screw-ups if I want to be done in a year. The problem is, I got sick and I just couldn't catch up. I managed to pass everything else though, SO I need a few A's in there to get the old GPA up. I'm pretty confident I can get that going. I'll need to take one of my harder classes with A&P2, the dreaded Cell Biology, but I balace it all out with a very easy elective. So, One hard class, one review class, and one breeze class and I should be ok. I'll take my last two classes over next Summer and all will be good. July '08, still headin' straight for ya.

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