Sunday, April 15, 2007

If it's free....TAKE IT!!!!

You never know what you'll find for free. People get rid of things all the time that are good, but they want something new or they run out of space. Sometimes, something is just wrong with it that they can't fix and it makes more sense to replace it. This is where people like me come in. So far in my life, I have gotten so much free stuff, it's crazy. Some of it wasn't worth keeping and got tossed, other things were only in need of minor repair. Some things were perfectly good and just needed a new home.

The scavenger lifestyle can be lucrative as well, just so long as you do not become a packrat in the process. You need several things to be a truely successful scavenger:
1. A vehicle to haul stuff around, like a pickup and/or a trailer.
2. An extensive set of tools.
3. A decent place to store and work on your "finds".
4. Mechanical aptitude.
5. A place where you can dump things off if they turn out to be worthless.

I have taken so much free stuff, I can't even begin to catalog it all. A few notable finds do stick out.

1. A 125 gallon aquarium with stand.
2. A metric asston of office chairs (great for the D&D game night).
3. Two working dishwashers.
4. A 1985 Ford Ranger.
5. A 1976 Caddilac Eldorado Convertibe with 54000 original miles!
6. A queen-sized sleeper sofa. I miss this one now.
7. A damn good oil-filled electric radiator-type space heater.
8. My coveted, one-of-a-kind, Icee Light.
9. Four computers.
10. Two TV's

An enterprising person that doesn't get too attached to these things can turn a profit or atleast break even on such a hobby. For example, people give away junk cars just to get rid of them. I know a guy who'll BUY those cars and haul them off for scrap. I make a profit off of selling car that was given to me, and he makes money for selling it to the scrap metal dealer. It works out nice really nice.

If you have a place to store free crap you don't want yourself. Hold it for an annual yard sale. Fun stuff. The scavenger's motto: One man's trash is another's treasure.

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