Tuesday, September 06, 2005

A ray of hope.

Robyn was kind enough to let me buy her computer off of her. I our deal, I take the computer now, and buy her an identical one in a month or so on layaway. Sadly, although far more stable, it is not faster than "frakenstien". I called it frankenstien because it was green, ugly, and made from other dead computers. Over the months ahead, I will go about testing everything on it and seeing what may be saved. There may be a "spawn of frankenstien" coming to life one day.

I spent the better part of my labor day weekend hunting parts for my Ranger. I think I almost have them all.

I guess that maybe I'm just not into doing customer service. That's why I don't especially care for BB. It's not hard at all, I just don't get many hours. It's like it's not really worth my while. There are so many things I love about being an ISS coordinator. My own quiet space, easy job, professional atmosphere, internet access, and the cheap thrill of authority. They put chess on the computers. It is a HARD program. I can't beat it.

The dead computer has put me in a bind. There are several things I wanted to do with my money other than buy a computer. I like it, and I need a computer right now anyway, but I got a truck that needs to be on the road, a car that needs more parts before it's right, a dorm fridge for my class room, and I'd like a motorcycle, not show off but for cheaper gas.

I'm going to write a piece later this month about misplaced angst toward our consumer driven society. Now that I have a computer with a media reader, I can add more pics to the sight. I like it. I'll be experimenting with some planned out pieces on this blog, not just the freehand ramble everyone (all three of my readers) have come to enjoy. It'll probably come out about the same, I'll just have a more focused topic.

1 comment:

Mike said...

Good to hear from you, even though you sound a bit stressed. I'm very sure things will work out fine.