Monday, September 12, 2005

Nice Saturday

Saturday night I had dinner with Robyn. I've been doing decent in the cash dept, so I took Robyn to her favorite reseraunt. Her favorite place to eat is the place she waits tables: Teds Montana Grill.

Ted's is an interesting place. Thier specialty is bison dishes. Yes, buffalo meat. Not only is is tender and flavorful, it is a very dense protien. You will not get hungry for a very long time. That stuff seems like an ideal food stuff for a low-carb diet, a small ammount of meat can last a grown man quite awhile.

She had a salad and two top-shelf magaritas. By top shelf, I mean the teqilla was $85 a bottle, but it makes a fine drink. I find it funny that the mixed drink or "cocktail" was a prohibition-era creation to make cheap liquor palatable. Today, with all the quality liquors, a few mixed drinks can get you smashed and never even realize it.....until you try to stand up. Anyway, I had the bison bbq spare ribs. I was disappointed at how small the portion was, but I was soon reminded that a little bison goes a long way. The rib meat was ample, and very lean. The barbeque sauce was subtle, yet slightly tangy. It was a perfect compliment to to ribs and took nothing away from the natural flavor of the meat. I had grilled asparagus as a side. It seemed a little over grilled, the grill-smoke flavor seemed to overpower the asparagus today, but still a nice dish. I would have loved a sweet tea with such a meal, but I'm limiting my sugar intake, so it was diet coke.

With $14 in mixed drinks alone, without her employee discount, the meal would have been well over $70. But for such a quality meal, we got quite a bargain.

Next we went to Southpint Mall, I usually thoroghly enjoy it there, but it seems on Saturday nights, the whole place is choked up with thugs. Now the term thug has nothing racially charged in this context. The thug has basically replaced trashy in my mind. A thug is any young person who is loud, crude, offensive, and overbearing. I find that white kids make the most untolerable thugs. I seems as though thugs are immersed in the hip-hop "gangsta" culture and with it having roots in young black culture, it seems as though the white thugs go for the image and the attitude without any of the real "spirit" of the culture itself.

The bad part is, the "respect me I'm hardcore" approach that thugs have actually work to have the opposite effect. I had to use the bathroom at Southpoint, two thugs were in front of us dressed in clothes so baggy, the looked like modern harlequins. They were staggering about in some sort of strut to make them look hardcore, it wasn't working. They were loud and swearing, making references to how they had to use the bathroom as well. The main part of the mall had closed, and a police officer was standing watch. He was a large, older black man with a cold stare. He promtly turned the two thugs away, but he let me in. Why? Was I respectful? Did he dispise the fact that these thugs make his whole culture look bad? I don't know. But when I was a young hooligan, I got similiar treatment. I think the trick is learning to play by the "unspoken rules" of society.

Robyn gets mad at me when we go out. I hate large crowds, and I hate large crowds of thugs even more. I stand my ground. I have felt that people will try to walk directly into your path to try to make you move for them. I take offense to that. I have ofter gone halfway in crowded situations, giving room when it was given, but for someone to pretend that I'm either not there, or they have more right than I do to walk through me, I won't budge. People tend to move for me. They won't for her. I think because I grew up kinda rough, I have that "don't tred on me" air to myself. Where I'm from, the area I was raised, you could never back down. To show weakness was dangerous. Is moving out of someone's way in a mall dangerous or a sign of weakness? No, of course not. I guess I feel as though my rights or personal enjoyment should never be infringed upon by a fool that want to walk all over me because he can.

To a certain extent, I think that's what's wrong with the country. We no longer stand our ground when we know we are in the right, and we suffer for it. Being the bigger person doesn't always mean backing down standing up for what you believe is right and good is the greater. I won't expect a person to move out of my way, but I wll, give ample berth to a person gives way for me. That's just basic respect.

We were going to see a singer/songwriter called Angie Aparo (a personal favorite) his claim to sub-fame is that he wrote Faith Hill's hit "Cry". His version is so much better than hers. But I had to be in to BB at 7 to do the adset, and I wasn't in the mood to be in a crowd, especially after southpoint's gangland tour. We went to Walmart and got some nessessities I almost bout a mini fridge for my room, but decided to wait and do some price shopping. Good choice. I saved about $10 all together.

I spent way too much money this weekend. Just about 200 in total. I can't really afford to go out like that, but sometimes, I can't afford not to. Robyn and I had a wonderful time together, and it was worth every penny. Now back to ramen noodles!

Actually, if I'm conservative for the rest of the month, I'll be able to keep my bills paid up and eat well, that's beore I figur in the fact I have one more BB check coming to me! The next evening together will have to be cooked at home and a rented movie, or something nice like that.

I'll be getting tutoring money, probably staring next month. I'm joining the after school program and it pays professionals $15/hr. I can only do 2 hour a day, 2 days a week. (I'm going to try to shoot for 3!) But that's an extra 60 a week before taxes. Not shabby. I need to find ways to cut my expenses even further, so I can afford more nice nights out like that.

I'll most likely start taking my lunch to school. It costs up to $3 a day to eat school food. I could cook my own lunch for less if planned properly,and save about $20 a month. I have a ton of these ideas.


Mike said...

You know, I was almost excited to see I had a new reader, before I realize this is your idea marketing scheme. I wonder if you even have a soul at all, Not that you'll ever comeback to read this.

Mike said...

I'm going to photoshop the word "whore" over his face.