I spent most of the day calling schools about returning for my BA degree, and calling about finacial aid. This will continue tomorrow. I discovered if I go the easiest route to get financed, I have to take a leave of absence to student-teach one school semester. I was floated several options otherwise, but more infomation will come tomorrow.
It seems funny, they WANT people to work their way up in the schools, predicting less turnaround. But I either:
A. Go the traditional route and leave my full-time job as ISS co-ordinator which is hard since I depend on that money. Or,
B. Take a BA in a related field and possibly become qualified to do a better paying job.
I have about two years to decide my fate. Nathan and I discussed education in great length, he is sick of it, I love it. I see the downside as minor, bad kids come and go, I feel an efficient class management approach could do away with alot of the "headache" that makes teaching miserable. I like guaranteed holidays off, long summer vacations, and incredible job security. Nathan sees it as another dead-end job. I don't.
Besides, honestly, I see teaching as a means to an end. I will most likely continue my education after that as well. Who really knows where I might end up
My first session with Best Buy will be in two weeks. I get to be brainwashed by the four hour in-processing/ re-education center. Means to an end, means to an end......
Re-started my low-carb diet from last year. So far, so good. When I get a slight sugary craving, I turn up a diet rootbeer/carbsmart icream float. Good stuff. Robyn had an impropteau birthday cake for her youngest daughter, and oh it looked so tasty! I was almost misty-eyed trying to reassure myself I didn't NEED cake. But oh, I wanted just a sweet little taste. The next few weeks will be Hell as I wait to get my body acclaimated to fat-burning before I can have an occasional treat. I wanted to start exersicing today, but with more college knowledge-seeking afoot, I won't likely get the area I need cleaned off.
Also, hampering progress is the new Harry Potter book. So far, I've enjoyed reading it, and I'm about halfway in. I'll be finished in a day or so if I don't pace myself. I like to read slow and savor the imagry. I took a week to read book five, limiting my self to only reading at bedtime for about an hour.
I never had a chance to read much when I was a kid. My folks would constanly be running me around to fetch their stuff. Couldn't sit in one spot long enough to read many books. Ironicly, I'm a very good reader, and not a bad writer either. Sometimes I wonder what I could do if I could nurture a few talents.
I saw a few people I graduated with this past week, and most of them looked bad, REALLY bad. Some of them seemed ashamed to be in a sorry state and avoided speaking. I know one of them was while I was delivering pizza, so he had to have felt abit better about himself, I didn't. Nate said something about feeling comfort knowing people are doing worse than you, I think he's right.
Speaking of him, our little Chess rivalry is fun. He's got a slight leg up on me in total wins, but we seem to be much more evenly matched that I originally thought. He is a much more cautious player than I, and I am a quicker thinker than he. I look forward to our next games as I've soaked up a bit of his strategy. More fun & games to come.
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But you have a style, and I've noticed it even if you have not.
And screw you, I wrote it at 3am, I was getting tired.
Also I said I was "not bad", not "great", Asshat.
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