Sunday, May 15, 2005

Platform for President the New Wilsonism

I have a few very basic concepts that I think can be applied to our country.

1. Keep it simple

I think things are way too complicated. True genius is finding the most simplified application to adress the problem. I get a migrane trying to comprehend the overly redundant & confusing beauracracy. The buisness model would make Rube Goldberg proud. I would, as president, find ways to simplify everything in the government. Simplifing and streamlining would save money. One extremely simple solution to a myriad of problems is to legalize drugs. Maybe not all, mind you, just marijuana at first. This would:

A. Allow us to revert money from "the war on drugs" to homeland security.
B. Taxes from now legitimate grower & sellers would rake in a few hudred million.
C. A good bit of crime from druglords & gangs would dry right up.
D. A slew of legitimate jobs would open up.
E. Terrorists that fuel their "jihad" with drug smuggling would be hard up on funding.

Hell, the drug trade is huge, a multi billion dollar industry. The war on drugs is a joke. The people have spoken, they know what they want. Why BS about it, let the people be responsible for themselves.

Secure the borders. If you have no right to be here, you have no rights here. I think our country is great because anyone can come here and can become a success or failure based mostly on their own determination. Come legally, obey the laws, pay your taxes and welcome aboard! I think we will have fewer problems with illegal immigrants if we legalize drugs (nothing to smuggle). And NO SOCIAL AID TO ILLEGAL ALIENS!!!!! Social aid is for Americans only.

More to come.......


Mike said...

We can do better than we are right now. No solution is 100%. We could have millions extra to pump into securing our borders with my plan. My main point is, that what we are doing now is not good enough. Not in my mind and not in the minds of millions of other Americans. I say try anything, what will we be hurting?

Paul said...

Border control is kind of a mixed up topic. Many RIGHT say "they" are stealing jobs and taxing our public services.

But.. most of the RIGHT employers I know are taking advantage of cheap labor. They are starting to get pretty hooked on it.

As far as border control here are some interesting links:
a UAV they are using in AZ to patrol borders.

And here's a group that feels strongly about the issue called the minute man group that spends their free time making sure that any cheap labor doesn't make it over the fence in Texas and AZ.

Mike said...

Excellent point. I don't blame or hate any person who is trying to better their lives. Honestly, if I could sneak in somewhere that I could live in a hight quality and be able to help my loved ones still in my homeland, I'd probably do it. I really don't have an issue with them, per se. My issue is with the fact that it causes a problem. They send a good chunk of thier hard-earned American dollars to thier home country and that hurts us. I do blame legislators who do so little about these problems. Also, people who come in illegally, tend to not have the skills to function in our society. No language, no concept of our laws, how ofter do you read the police blotter in the news. The DWI's that are no license, insurance, and illegal tags are most likely illegal aliens.

I am familiar with the minuteman group. I also read that a scource leaked a border patrol memo stating that higher ups were going to stop being as active in areas that are guarded by minutemen to make the group seem ineffective.

Mind you, that is a minor part of my big picture. I want our money to flow HERE. I would rather a man come legally, learn the laws and the language, then bring his family when they can to the same and be a benfit to our country, rather than one illegal be here, breaking laws, and sending his ill-gotten cash be sent out of the country to vitalize foriegn economies.

I'm really big on legalizing drugs. They would be cleaner, safer, and best of all, taxed.Produce it here, no drugs from other countries. I doubt that this (legalizing) would make many more people want to do drugs, the market is there, the commerce already exists, but the billions in drug trade money does not go to our country, no, it can be linked to gangs, south american drug czars with small armies, and terrorists. This is not speculation, it is common knowledge.

Paul said...

Most of the immigrants that I have known wanted to move their families here. The ones that sent money home were helping build communities under a different flag.

US dollars sent outside the states to impoverished nations goes along way toward helping those nations. We do that anyway but at least when they sneak in and do it, they work for it, on the cheap.

I think the policy now is:

Let them get past poorly managed border control and work really hard for next to nothing. If they do something bad we will send them back.

That seems a long way from "Bring Me Your Tired, Poor and Huddled Masses....

I guess times change.